A Blessing For Vulnerability
Paul Dunion
The ancients say that feeling vulnerable is knowing
that you can be wounded. With that in mind, why should
you value feeling vulnerable? Could it be that the ability
to be wounded might mean able to be penetrated,
penetrated by what life brings. And so, you are asked
to live the question: “Am I penetrated by too much
or too little”?
Your life force depends upon that question and your
honest responses. You will know diminished penetration
as your heart hardens, your mind clutches to contrived
certainties, and you cannot find the one who knows
you and cherishes your company. The image you see
in the mirror is now a stranger, looking back upon you
with forlorn eyes.
You will come to know too much penetration when your
words sound like they belong to someone else. And when
you insist upon infusing your giving with magic,
although your offerings are dismissed and forgotten.
Much too much penetration leaves you cursing the gods,
with a heart encased in cynicism.
Remain an apprentice of vulnerability by honoring the
gifts of being touched and moved. You will need a
resiliency informing you that being touched is an
announcement of your ability to be fully alive.
Notice the fear, breathe the fear and remember
that life penetrating you is often an act of love. And
when it lacks warmth, simply ask, “What are you asking
of me”? And then, listen again and again.
Vulnerability means being moved. You were always
meant to be a herald of a new message, moved toward
a new vision of yourself and of life. Vulnerability
offers an invitation to drink of life in a
new way. As you quench your thirst, you open to
a dance that has been waiting for you. You are moved
toward a wildness unwilling to be unnecessarily