A Blessing For Courage
Paul Dunion
Because life is non-permanent, insecure and
mysterious, it is constantly asking for some
act of courage. The request may be for action
when feeling scared and vulnerable, or for no
action when feeling determined and tenacious.
of course, vulnerability may lead to passivity.
Let the voice of vulnerability alert you to the
possibility of action. Muting the feeling of its
voice may distance you from life’s request for
courageous action. When you can’t hear what
life is asking, you can’t live life on life’s terms.
You can neither give nor receive from life.
Feeling vulnerable lets you know you are
scared. Ask: “Does the emerging voice within
me have a heart?” If the answer is yes, then
speak boldly. It is likely a time for you to
come forward, for you are creating yourself
in this courageous moment.
When some guttural grit demands you step
forward, positioned with a firm voice, pause.
Ask: “What accelerated the pumping of my heart?”
“Whom will my action serve?” As you settle
yourself, with boldness subsiding, notice a
quiver of fragility waiting, as you let go of control.
Tenacity may lead to some bold action, when
the moment would have been served by yielding.
You will likely need to forgive yourself again
and again for missing an opportunity to act
courageously. It is only too easy to slip into
berating yourself for some alleged cowardice.
It is not necessary to either boldly act or
wisely surrender each day. You are asked to
live the question: What courage is life asking
of me? This is the way of living courageously.
Life’s invitations to courage are so enormous,
easily eluding your best efforts to get it right.