A Blessing For Awakening
Paul Dunion
There’s so much waiting for you.
Let yourself stir gently. You’re
moving from one world to another.
There’s no rush. Let your departure
from sleep be held in grace. You’re
at the threshold, birthing new eyes.
You are greeting a new light, a
soft light of dawn that welcomes you.
Do not turn your back upon the
darkness from which you came,
for it was the gestation of your
new eyes. Darkness prepared you.
You have moved away from a glittering
noon light, a shinning that convinced
you of so much. Sleep has made you
ready to let go of some bias, some limited
opening of the mind. Honor this time
of awakening. Be gentle.
Limit your regret of some prior blindness.
You were never meant to see all. Even now,
there is some limit to what you can see.
Know that your soul is pregnant with eyes
yet to be born. Like you, the person before you
possesses eyes preparing to be born.
Do not fear confusion and bewilderment.
They are the labor of an embryonic awakening.
Offer yourself midwifery guided by curiosity
and wonder. Let go of protesting an alleged
delayed readiness. Awakening results from your
readiness and life’s readiness to reveal more.
Do not be disappointed with your awakenings
that did not reveal all. Your awakenings were
never meant to bring you to some cosmic arrival.
They were always simply meant to be your way
of creating yourself. Some you will forget, some
will gently burrow into the fabric of your being.